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Specioza Helps Bring a Disease Prevention Center to Mumeya

Because Specioza exercised her power representing her community, a new Disease Prevention Center is being constructed in Mumeya. At a Kirehe District health meeting, Specioza questioned officials who were planning on putting the center in a location that was not organized to maximize the services. After describing the work of Mumeyans in building a clinic and a community center, organizing labor and money to bring water and electricity, and training leaders in five surrounding villages, health officials changed their plans. Construction of the center is now underway in Mumeya. The center will be located next to the clinic and add services for the prevention of malaria, influenza, HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases.

Specioza is a powerful woman. She started her leadership journey under the “Jesus Tree” where she joined other Mumeyan’s for training by Pr. John. A farmer with three children, she soon emerged as someone with special determination. She was elected to the leadership team and was instrumental in defining the first issue: building a clinic to address the high rate of mortality for birth-giving women in the area. Along with hundreds of others, she spent hours clearing the field, breaking stones and laying the foundation for the clinic. She was among the leaders who learned to negotiate with the mayor and national government officials to secure the funds to complete and staff the clinic.  Just before completion, a mother lost her life in childbirth and Specioza adopted the little girl who was named Pico. Since then, no child or mother has died. In addition to farming, Specioza provides information and training in public health for the area surrounding Mumeya. Little wonder she was able to help bring the Disease Prevention Center to Mumeya. Along with Mumeya leaders Ezra and Pauline, Specioza is training other communities in Nyange and Matimba how to organize. Her dream is to see other women become powerful like she is.

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