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PICO Rwanda Expands to Kigali, Rwanda’s Capital City

In Kigali, with the assistance of Fr. Innocent Rugaragu, PICO Rwanda has begun introductory meetings and trainings with the St. Ignatius Jesuit School and with youth at the Centre Christus.  Fr. Elisee Rutagambwa works with a group of youth at the Centre, and over twenty young people attended a workshop that introduced the PICO model.

Through one-to-one conversations, the young people began to share their experiences with each other as well as identify the top concerns they feel impact Kigali youth.  They agreed that their top concerns are unemployment and poverty, lack of or poor judgment, and the negative effects of globalization on youth, including a loss of Rwandan culture. We are excited that Fr. Elisee traveled to California in July to participate in the PICO National leadership training.

Fr. Innocent and Pastor John also met with Fr. Consolateur, whose parish is Regina Pacis in Kigali.  He is very excited to bring the PICO/Rwanda work into his parish and additional schools.

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